Wednesday, June 5, 2013

myswancostume: PNB dancer Leah O'Connor is graduating from...


PNB dancer Leah O'Connor is graduating from the University of Washington this June - she's earned a degree in sociology while dancing full time with PNB.

Congratulations, Leah! READ:

Photo: Leah O'Connor & Jerome Tisserand in Diamonds.

Give me one tenth of your work ethic.

myswancostume: Photo: Chelsea Adomaitis in Sum Stravinsky


Photo: Chelsea Adomaitis in Sum Stravinsky

thedailyballet: Cynthia Harvey in Swan Lake. Photo by Leslie e....


Cynthia Harvey in Swan Lake.

Photo by Leslie e. Spatt.

CYNTHIA HARVEY: Q & AWhen did you start dan­cing? At age 8....


When did you start dan­cing?

At age 8. A short time ago.

Why did you start dan­cing?
Appar­ently I pre­ferred it to walk­ing; actu­ally I still do. Music was fre­quently played at home. My mother loved music­als and I think she secretly would have wished me to be in musical theatre. BUT, I saw and Mar­got Fon­teyn on tele­vi­sion and wanted to be Mar­got. Fon­teyn seemed like a prin­cess. Once I began, I liked the serenity of it. Some­how the quiet and chal­lenge of mov­ing my body, albeit to music, was very per­sonal. It was some­thing that I could do in rel­at­ive peace.

Which dan­cer inspired you most as a child?
As I said, Fon­teyn ini­tially, but I also loved watch­ing per­form­ances of Ant­o­nio Gades, Maya Plis­et­skaya, , Carla Fracci, Car­men Amaya, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Eleanor Pow­ell, Ginger Rogers, Ant­oinette Sib­ley, and Anthony Dow­ell, whether live or on film.

Which dan­cer do you most admire?
for his exact­ing stand­ard and for impart­ing that stand­ard to me.

What's your favour­ite role?
My favour­ite role was Gis­elle. I loved dan­cing the entire bal­let but Act II was what was spe­cial to me. It is what I ima­gine being a higher spir­itual being could be like. The power of Giselle's love tran­scends hatred and revenge. Her love is not dimin­ish­ing, thus allow­ing Albrecht peace, mak­ing a per­fect romantic ballet.

What role have you never played but would have liked to?
A Bond Girl

What's your favour­ite bal­let to watch?
At this moment in time, any­thing being danced by .

Who is your favour­ite cho­reo­grapher?
I can't say I have a single favourite.

I have admired works attrib­uted to Petipa, and dances cho­reo­graphed by Ashton, Bal­anchine, Mac­Mil­lan, Tudor, Rob­bins, Gra­ham, Bausch, Rat­mansky, Wheel­don, Michael Corder, young Cameron McMil­lan, the tal­en­ted David Dawson, and most recently I saw a piece by Goyo Montero that I abso­lutely loved.

Who is your favour­ite writer?
Stephen Sondheim.

Who is your favour­ite dir­ector?
Pedro Alm­od­óvar for film, Peter Sel­lars for opera, Simon McBur­ney for his theatre com­pany, Com­pli­cite, the likes of which I have never seen bettered, and obvi­ously ALL the bal­let school and com­pany dir­ect­ors who hire me to teach and coach.

Who is your favour­ite actor?
Charlie Chaplin

Who is your favour­ite singer?
John, George, Paul and Ringo — one voice. Check this out: Because from Abbey Road on Antho­logy 3.

What is your favour­ite book?
Anna Karenina.

What is your favour­ite film?
I can't name one. My top five are, It's a Won­der­ful Life, Rear Win­dow, The Tramp, The Shawshank Redemp­tion, and The Skin I Live In.

Which is your favour­ite city?
It's a toss up between San Fran­cisco and Melbourne.

What do you like most about your­self?
My reliability.

What do you dis­like about your­self?
My expect­a­tions, my cyn­icism and the fact that I still don't know when to use a comma in a sen­tence or how to use an apo­strophe when writ­ing pos­sess­ive plurals.

What was your proudest moment?
There hasn't only been one. Isn't pride sup­posed to be a sin?

The première of Gis­elle I staged in Oslo for Den Nor­ske Bal­let made me weepy with pride, and the way the dan­cers in Hong Kong danced The Sleep­ing Beauty when I staged it there for The Hong Kong Bal­let had me com­pletely over­whelmed. Both these instances were far more reward­ing than any per­sonal dan­cing experience.

I was extremely proud when my son recently told me that he got a com­mend­a­tion in school for most improved.

When and where were you hap­pi­est?
In the theatre of my mind and in my dreams on a reg­u­lar basis.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
(I'm leav­ing this blank Gra­ham — can't find an easy answer) - [I'm leav­ing this in, for it is in itself an answer — Gramilano]

What is your greatest fear?
Not pro­gress­ing. That and being stuck in space when the line teth­er­ing me to the space­craft has broken.

If you could change one thing about your­self, what would it be?
Just ONE thing? I'd like to be less sen­ti­mental. I cry at the most ridicu­lous things. After that, I'd like to change my nat­ural hair col­our as well as the aging process.

What do you con­sider your greatest achieve­ment?
Rais­ing my son to be the decent young man that he is.

What is your most treas­ured pos­ses­sion?
I'd def­in­itely grab my laptop if there was a fire.

What is your greatest extra­vag­ance?
My small col­lec­tion of ori­ginal vin­tage Beatles memorabilia.

What do you con­sider the most over­rated vir­tue?
Being virtuous.

On what occa­sion do you lie?
To myself; when I feel ill, when I am tired, or when I am unhappy.

If you hadn't been a dan­cer what would you have liked to be?
I would love to have been a com­poser or songwriter,

What is your most marked char­ac­ter­istic?
I have a birth­mark on my right thigh.
Oth­er­wise, in my opin­ion it is empathy. In other people's opin­ion, I've heard it's "pos­it­ive energy".

What qual­ity do you most value in a friend?
Aside from being alive it would have to be reli­ab­il­ity. But if I could choose other qual­it­ies I'd have to include good humour and good timekeeping.

What qual­ity do you most value in a col­league?
Same as above plus integrity.

Which his­tor­ical fig­ure do you most admire?
Joseph Swan, inventor of the light bulb (no, it wasn't Thomas Edison). Without Swan, I'd still be in the dark about most things.

Which liv­ing per­son do you most admire?
Aless­andro Zanardi, the race car driver who in the after­math of a huge crash that res­ul­ted in los­ing both legs, returned to racing less than two years later. He then switched sports and took up hand­bik­ing (para­lympic cyc­ling) and com­peted in the Para­lympics in Lon­don 2012, where he won two gold medals.

What do you most dis­like?
Dirty fin­ger­nails and olives, though noth­ing irrit­ates me more than indol­ence and tardiness.

What tal­ent would you most like to have?
I'd love to be able to pre­dict the future, to stop the end­less rain that we've exper­i­enced this winter and spring, to be a tal­en­ted dip­lo­mat, to mul­ti­task, and to play an instru­ment well. If I could mul­ti­task, I'd be able to do all that!

What's your idea of per­fect hap­pi­ness?
10 hours of sleep and wak­ing up in warmth and sun­shine — BLISS!

How would you like to die?

What is your motto?
If you stumble, make it part of the dance.


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can you imagine how hard it must be for her to sickle after that training


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Polina Semionova for German Vogue (April issue 2010) 

Story "Dreamwalking" was shot by Peter Lindbergh - source

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Friedemann Vogel as James in La Sylphide
Photo (c) Lelli & Masotti



Lara O'Brien as Myrtha in Carolina Ballet's Giselle

Lara O'Brien as Myrtha in Carolina Ballet's Giselle



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